Today we bring you along a journey to discover our products, but not only that; we take you among the textures of our fabrics, among the people who embellish them, and into the minds of those who create our designs. We will do this with the three words of the title:
When it was time to choose what would come out of REMMIND, we asked ourselves a thousand questions. We had clear ideas: it had to be something concrete. Sustainability and balance between humans and the environment are often idealized, taken to the extreme, but for us, it must translate into concrete things, hence the idea of clothing. Our clothing is not perfect; we haven't reached perfection yet, but we have tried and seen a bit of everything. In the end, we went back to the simplest thing of all: cotton. There will be evolutions in our future, for sure, we hope so, but our starting point had to be the quintessential material, a natural, organic, and why not, recycled material. A simple material.
When we visited the production site for the first time, we were struck by the will and ability of those hands that worked on the garments. There was technology, lots of advanced technology, but always guided by skillful hands. Hands that knew which buttons to press, the amount of steam and humidity needed, and then the strength of continuous but always different work. The machine embroiders, yes, but in the end, it is the human eye that decides if that embroidery is good, and the hand that passes the scissors to remove the stitches that are not meant to be seen. And connected to that eye, to those hands, there is a mind, a thought that no one can channel into the 0s and 1s of a machine. Ultimately, this also sets our products apart, the courageous soul of the people behind these products.
And if we talk about people, we cannot fail to mention those who turn the ideas of our founders into designs, turning a concept into reality. They do it with a passion for beauty. They associate colors, images, sounds that you then find in our products. We won't quote a famous phrase, but truly, they save day by day the world or at least they save REMMIND's world. What do they save it from? From the banality of clichéd designs, from the boredom of conveying such an important message with worn-out methods. And they try to convey beauty, even the beauty of small things, to all of us. They seem to say, wake up people: the world is a wonderful place! Don't ruin it! Enjoy it, but then make it return to what it was before so that even those after us can see it in the same way or maybe notice aspects we never noticed before.
This is REMMIND.
Dressing while remembering the environment and the planet we all inhabit.